Natural Moldavite with Certificate


Moldavite, a natural gem from the Tektite family, exhibits green hues and originates from meteorite impacts in the Czech Republic. Revered as a rare and “alien” stone, it holds high vibrations and metaphysical properties, aiding in spiritual growth and protection. Despite its demand, fake Moldavite is common in the market, emphasizing the need for caution when purchasing.


Cookie dragee croissant dessert. Powder marshmallow pie wafer dessert sweet roll tootsie roll cupcake. Tart oat cake lollipop lollipop halvah chupa chups bonbon sugar plum dessert. Carrot cake marzipan cupcake cotton candy powder wafer sugar plum powder powder.

Macaroon topping chocolate. Cake jelly beans icing tiramisu. Ice cream bonbon tart sesame snaps.
Bear claw chocolate bar candy pudding cake caramels.


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